Saturday, September 29, 2012

Fall is here!

Sept. 26, 2012

This week for art we took advantage of the season changing to Fall. We painted treed using Q-tips. The kids were very creative in adding a variety of fall colors. Painting can be messy but we sure love it! 

Building our Dream House

Sept. 20, 2012

As a project for expressing ourselves through architecture the students designed a dream home out of a shoe box. They had a variety of supplies and worked in small groups to create their dream home. This was a tedious project which helped teach the students how to work together, which led to some disagreement and compromise. After their houses were complete we displayed them and walked around each of the 2nd grade classrooms to see other students work.

Field Trip to the Junior High

Sept. 18, 2012

This week we learned that architecture is a form of expressing ourselves. We learned that architects express themselves through the shapes, colors, and styles they use in their building projects. To help the students understand this concept more fully we took a field trip to the Junior High. Erin Preston was gracious enough to be our tour guide and show us around and explain the building. We discussed the difference between form and function in a building. Mrs. Preston was the architect who designed the Junior High and was able to tell us some facts that most people don't know. This trip made the students really excited to go to Junior High someday! 

Beach Party

Sept. 13, 2012

The 3-5 grade did well on their CRT testing and as a result the school had a beach party! 1st and 2nd grade had an hour to play volleyball, have a water fight, play twister, run down the slip and slide, have a shaving cream fight, and dance to rockin' music. The kids loved running around with their friends to each of the events. They also loved attacking Mrs. Wadsworth with shaving cream! It was a blast! I tried to take a lot of pictures, but it was hard to track down all the students in the craziness.

Mrs. Critchfield

Mrs. Wadsworth