October 8, 2012
After recess we came into our classroom and discovered we had been robbed! Our class Lorax had been taken from the wall and there was evidence strewn about on the floor. As a class we got our our detective notebooks and sketched the crime scene. Next, we talked about what a detective does and made a plan to solve our crime. We analyzed the evidence and made a list of possible suspects. After narrowing our results we called our suspects in for an interview or interrogation. As a class we asked each suspect questions to help us solve the crime. After we had interviewed all our suspects we re-watched the interviews to make our final assumptions. From the interviews we decided it was Mr. Brinkman the PE teacher who stole our Lorax. We confronted him and with our little detective magnifying glasses and searched his office. In the search we found our class Lorax! This lesson taught us the scientific process of how to ask questions, make a plan, and follow that plan to solve our problems.
Oh this is so funny. I didn't realize this was part of a lesson. lol Colton was SO serious when he told me about this, he must have missed the day you found it.